Sunday, October 5, 2008

I'm not blogging enough

I'm not blogging enough, not that anyone cares, but still, I'm supposed to blog *thats a rule I made for myself8. 

Well as far as I know, there is only one person who checks my blog for updates, without me tellin em to check out what I've written *which is absolute bullshit, according to some people*, but still, the point here is that I'm not writting enogh.

Maybe thats cuz I'm not having enough to write on, I mean, its hard to think of something you can write one, its not as easy as it looks, just key in a headline and let your fingers fly on the keyboard and create magic, its a lot of work, first think of what you want to write on, then think of how you wiull write it and blah and blah, but its also stupid of me saying that I don't have stuff to write on, there is an ocean of things we could write on, but why don't I find something that I would like to write on.

OK I've got something, Did you know that crocodiles can move their liver around their body to change their center of gravity in the water? , saw that on Discovery yesterday *yes, I do watch Discovery sometimes*. 

Crocodiles are closer to the bird species than the reptiles and they have a four chambered heart - like the homo sepiens*human beings*! 

See, thanks to me, if you've read this entry so far, you've learnt a new thing! :D

I must do that you know, learn a new thing each day, and write about it, then maybe, I'd never think I don't have things to write on. Yay!!

They say that if you write out stuff, its clearer and if you have a problem, you find a solution easily, I'd never had thought it works until this moment.

Wow, somethings are just worth writting down. *ohkay, that was lame*
It sounds like a unwritten philosophy, just like, 'people with big houses always have small dogs and vice versa' *read it in a book, "All creatures great and small - James Herriot" *

Ya so coming back, I do hope I blog more often! :D

Bbye! *who am I kidding, only one person reads this*

Irony of life

If you tel a man, 'There are a thousand stars in the universe.', he'll believe you.
But if you tel him, 'The chair your gonna sit on has just been painted.', he has to touch it to be sure.