Saturday, March 8, 2008

Woman's day 08' :)

I know, as usual, I’m posting a day late but what the hell, I'm atleast posting!

Coming back, 8th March 08' - Woman’s day, what does one do on this day??
Send texts to all their "woman friends", "Happy Women’s Day" or ask em for a treat cuz its their day? or just do nothing at all, I mean common, what’s the big deal anyway??
Well, frankly speaking I didn’t do anything special about woman’s day myself, except wishing my mom, and as for doing something for myself, I didn't think I needed a day to do something special for myself(Yea.. I do give ego boosts to myself from time to time, so don't really need a special day). So, bottom line is, the only time I actually thought that woman’s day was a special event was when I remembered that I needed to post something on my blog, and as you would have guessed by now, I'm not making any sense(as usual).

Women to me are a species which are capable of anything if they put their heart to, if they want to do it, come what may, they will do it!!

The are a bundle of contradictions,
They smile and cry at the same time,
They start smiling when they are supposed to scold at you,
They work till mid-night, but still get up in time to start a new day afresh,
They laugh with you, but you know they are the only ones going to be there when you cry too,
They could be as cuddly as teddy bears, but also be "Ice Woman" to people who irritate her,
They could be this; they could be that, they could be anything they want to be.
They are the most un-perfectly-perfect people on earth.

I salute all the women I know, and to the men I would only like to say “The first woman was created from the rib of a man. She was not made from his head to top him, 1nor from his feet to be trampled on by him, but out of his side to be equal to him.”

Women are to be respected, adored and loved not to be pitied on or eve-teased.

Make a woman feel loved today, she may be your friend, your mother, your grand-mother, your teacher, your servant, your teacher, your girlfriend your sister, she could be anyone, take some time out and make her feel special cuz she is one of the reasons you are what you are today!! Do something, don't just send her a text, make her feel special, pampered one day, just cuz she’s woman, she deserves it!! :)

PS: You could do this any day, everyday, you don’t need for woman’s day to make someone feel special!?!


Santiago said...

"I'm not making any sense(as usual)"
thanks for accpeting it :)
and happy womens day :)

Anonymous said...

well, i don't know if men are allowed to comment on a 'womens' day' special blog. But anyways....,i don't know about the rest of what youve written, but women are surely full of contradictions.I agree on that! :)

Karishma said...

lol thanks!

Deeps said...

sooooooo cccccccccuutttttttttteeeeeeeeeeee