Friday, May 21, 2010

Special- Just by being there. :)

Well, a friend of mine told me this a couple of days back.
"People don't always become special when they do something, sometimes, they become special just by being there." :)

Its such a wonderful thought. I mean if you look back and see, the most special people of your life will be the ones who have been with you when you were bored, texted you or talked to you through the most unexciting of nights, bunked lectures with you and sat with you talking about anything or even nothing, having chat conversations which go like – “Hi. Hello. I’m bored. I think my nails look best when I paint them pink. Lets call the Zulus, maybe they can entertain us.”, times when you pass notes in class with the caricature of the teacher and basically doing nothing with someone.

One memory I have of is the one where me and a couple of my friends -lets call them K and P- were supposed to catch a one o clock show for a movie called "Quickgun Murgan" (if I remember correctly), and as usual, we dint get tickets- but we did get tickets for a four o clock show. So now there we were, from 12 o clock to 4 o clock - we had lots of time to kill, no energy to go anywhere far and no money to go anywhere fancy. We crossed the road and there was "French Loaf" - Its a nice bakery, nice cakes and stuff.-So, we went there, the three of us were in the muckiest of moods, ordered two pastries-shared them. And then we just sat there, talking about the most nonsensical stuff on the planet, about our lives, about how things would change(and they have), making lists of how we would want out spouses to be, making agreements that one of us would not eat outside unless it was a treat(works two ways: you don't pay and don't put on unnecessary weight).... and stuff like that! We really didn't do anything that day, didn't make any promises to be there for each other for the rest of our lives or any cheesy stuff like that, but I guess that was one of the best times we ever had.

Even now, I mean yes, I do remember the people who were there with me when I was in trouble or I needed someone, but invariably they were the same people who were there for me when I was in the worst of moods and I was no fun at all and all I did was ruin the party.So remember to look beyond words and promises- remember to thank the people who were there for you when you had nothing to talk about. They are special too. :)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Get it out of the system

I thought writing about stuff helps get it out of the system.
I am wrong.


No I'm not talking about the contraceptive wala Moods but I'm talking about the mood defined as follows.

a state or quality of feeling at a particular time -
2. a frame of mind disposed or receptive, as to some activity or thing
a state of sullenness, gloom, or bad temper.

The thing about this mood thing is that its very transferable - and that also its like really really quickly transfered to one person from another. (Well atleast for me) Also if you know the person who is in a sucky mood - it gets to you even more easily.
Everyone is very positive(well most of the times I am too) but there are times I feel like looking at the harsh realities of life and get out of the bubble of my world. I know its being cynical but to justify myself I would just say I'm in a very cynical mood.
I am actually supposed to be all sunshine and rainbows by the way my life is going but God help me from whatever it is that is spoiling my so called mood.
Yea so coming back - this mood transfer thing. Is there anyway to escape this thing? I don't know any formula for it.
If you know any, let me know(lets see how many people actually get to reading this thing).

Till then,
Signing off,
Moody Me.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

I'l be there for you

I'll be there for you
These five words I swear to you
When you breathe I want to be the air for you
I'll be there for you
I'd live and I'd die for you
Steal the sun from the sky for you
Words can't say what a love can do
I'll be there for you 
