No I'm not talking about the contraceptive wala Moods but I'm talking about the mood defined as follows.
a state or quality of feeling at a particular time -
2. a frame of mind disposed or receptive, as to some activity or thing
a state of sullenness, gloom, or bad temper.
The thing about this mood thing is that its very transferable - and that also its like really really quickly transfered to one person from another. (Well atleast for me) Also if you know the person who is in a sucky mood - it gets to you even more easily.
Everyone is very positive(well most of the times I am too) but there are times I feel like looking at the harsh realities of life and get out of the bubble of my world. I know its being cynical but to justify myself I would just say I'm in a very cynical mood.
I am actually supposed to be all sunshine and rainbows by the way my life is going but God help me from whatever it is that is spoiling my so called mood.
Yea so coming back - this mood transfer thing. Is there anyway to escape this thing? I don't know any formula for it.
If you know any, let me know(lets see how many people actually get to reading this thing).
Till then,
Signing off,
Moody Me.
Yeah....Tell yourself ......'AALL IZZZ WELL ' [:P]
Ha ha, nice idea hai! :)
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