What if life was more like tv.
If life was like Ekta Kapoor's "K Saga's"
We would get up after a long night, but make-up intact.
We would have atleast 2 spouses/gf's/bf's and no real friends at all.
There would be a wedding every month and a no-reason party every week.
Women would always wear skimpy sarees and big bindi's and men would always be in suits.
We would never have a cellphone when we needed one.
We would have enemies who we never even knew existed.
We would never laugh. i.e. We would only fake laugh.
True love would exist, for a while and then we would get married to someoone else.
There would never be happy endings.(oh. wait, "K Saga's don end rite?)
We would live for atleast 598 years.
When the phone rings, there will always be a "Kya??????" and the receiver of the phone would be dropped down.
And if its one on the si-fi shows then
We would see UFO's.
Zulus would come down from zulu land and kidnap earthlings.
Zulus would be allergic to cheese and chocolate ice-cream.
We would know a little boy like Calvin who would actually imagine the zulus before they actually come to conquer earth.
And if life was like one of the reality shows
The tears would be fake.
Our only aim n life would be not to get eliminated.
We would have a lot of fake friends.
We would have background music for all our moods.
We would cry, to not get eliminated.
And if life was like cartoons
We would never make sense.
Life would be a lot more colorful than it is now.
We would fall into trouble and fall out of it real fast.(Most cartoons last for only 5 minutes)
When we would fall into trouble, there would be super heros to come save us every time.
Life would always have "happy endings".
We could say what we want when ever we want and not fear of appearing stupid cuz everyone is that way.
Kids would love us.
We could drive, even if we weren't 18 and didn't have a license.
And if life was like a news-hour show
There would be a lot of lies.
A boy falling into a pit would be the biggest thing that happened that day.
People would be manipulated and we would show things the way other people want to see them.
The review of our whole life could be given in less than one minute.(Including adds)
There would be people watching our every move and a small mistake could turn out to be the biggest gossip of the day.
And if life was a Crime Drama show
The only colors one would wear would be black and grey.
There will be darkness even in the day.
There would be murders everyday, every hour, every minute.
We would live only on coffee.
We would never get to sleep.
All our cars and bikes would have a siren sound and not a normal horn.
Yes, life would be weird if i was like a tv show but then again, I think it would be a lot more interesting.
I would love it if i had a background score for my life and never have bad hair days.
I would love it if life were more colorful, I would love if we had parties every week and if we had no college and no worries bout grades and attendance!!
Wouldn't u??
did u write this!!
i think u didnt :)
why???? :O
dono abt the whole thing but the lost few lines abt atendence n grades really cuaght my eye!!...gr8 stuff keep it up~~
i agree with everythin but the las 2 lines.. but teh rest of it is sooooooooo true... jus if life was a lil more colourful:)
there was a spelling mistake in my previous comment so i deleted it.
Well, life is a drama, the life which you seek is a melodrama.you have written about Tv shows, all separeate, but life is an integrated set of TV shows with cartoons, cops, news...
But i must say you have written well, though i havent come across 'K'saga'before.
How do you get such amazing ideas?
'and i think your proclivity to 'zulus' make me wonder if you are one of them :).
you have written in an adorable style with a blend of reality and fiction,Keep posting!
March 11, 2008 10:47 PM
i never knew tat yu were a genius too :D :D
nice post! proud to be your sister :D
Hey it was a very creative post ! You put down your thoughts well and love the clarity in your writing ! Keep up the good work ! :)
Loved it, ma fav post so far:)
thank u! :)
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