Someone I know has rightly said, expecting anything of other people only leads to disappointment. But the human mind is such, that it automatically starts expecting, and sometimes knowing full well that disappointment awaits you at the next turn, you still expect.
I don't know why, but it does happen, I'm sure you would agree.
Most of the time, we expect from people we care for, we don't care to expect from the others, we know its just not worth it. So its not like we expect from the wrong people, now you would say that there are no wrong and right people. I would agree, its just that, we don't choose the people we expect from, its like automatically tuned.
Specially for me, its not something I control. Something chooses stuff I expect for me, I don't know if its my mind or my heart, I don't know the difference either, but I know that people I expect stuff from are people I really love, people I care about.
One more thing is that, most of the time, we expect even from places where we know we are only going to get disappointment, some may call it a little ray of hope that things will happen, some others may cal it a bleak of light in a dark room. And the most amusing part is that we expect even after we are disappointed, even if we don't want to, its automatically tuned.
Again, quoting and friend, "First time shame on her, Second time shame on you, for being so stupid to let him back knowing he'd already done it once." - Its this thing which automatically tunes stuff for us, our mind/heart that gives the second chance, third chance and every other chance, its stupid and dumb, its like digging a hole for yourself and jumping into it, but then again,its it for people we love, we trust, even if all we really want to do is shake that person up and give them one tight slap, just beat them up so bad that they are in the hospital, and then, you take stupid yellow flowers to the hospital. Its all so stupid, but still, it happens, not only with me but with you too, if you're telling me it doesn't, you just not looking hard enough.
This post was kind of written for someone, I'm sorry but I did expect better, and I don't know why, but I can't stop it even I want to, its that stupid automatic thing, so you don't have anything to worry about. *Do not deciper this as "Karishma's not angry anymore"*
I'm not mentioning who that someone is, but again expecting that someone to understand.
i dunno if i'm the right person to say expect is to anticipate.. but sometimes our anticipations go wrong.. in that case is it necessary to know why anticipations went wrong??? did the other person know what you expected.. may be they did... but do you know why the did what they did???
wel they have to tell me, otherwise how would i know?
flight delayed !??! u shud here the fights with the "polite " airline staff.. in various accented people especially u knw wat !!:P tats fun!
have you commented on the wrong blog entry by mistake? :O
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